Cannabis users like to mix weed and sex, survey finds

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A survey conducted on Valentine’s Day revealed that—surprise—users of the popular Strainprint app like to use cannabis to enhance their sex lives.
A total of 1,400 responses to the survey were logged, with 75 percent of respondents saying they use cannabis in the bedroom. Most (53 percent) said they do so to achieve better orgasm, while almost half (43.8 percent) said they look to cannabis to help increase their libido. Other reasons for pre-sex consumption included to connect with a partner (41.7 percent), to increase endurance or stamina (26.6 percent), to reduce pain from a chronic condition (24.6 percent), to reduce pain as needed (17 percent), to reduce symptoms of perimenopause or menopause (8.5 percent), and finally, to reduce impotence (5.1 percent).
Slightly more women than men responded to the survey, with 52.2 percent identifying as female and 44.7 percent identifying as male. Most who took the survey were between the ages of 35 and 44, followed by 25- to 34-year-olds.
About one-fifth of respondents said they use cannabis to enhance sex every time, while 44.3 percent said they used it often. Almost 50 percent of respondents said they strongly agreed with the statement, “sex is better when I use cannabis”. Just 0.2 percent strongly disagreed.
When it came to how cannabis was consumed before sex, most (66.5 percent) said they used joints. Edibles (57.3 percent) and vaping dried flower (53.2 percent) were also popular choices. (For this question, respondents were allowed to select more than one option.) Almost 70 percent said they preferred to use THC-dominant products, while 17.5 percent said they preferred products that were more balanced.
Strainprint founder Stephanie Karasick told Inside the Jar that the team behind the app decided to conduct the survey because they were curious about how their engaged user base might respond. Their intention was to make the data available online after the survey and Karasick says so far, it’s generated a lot of interest.
“Hopefully, this validates a lot of peoples’ experiences, and will ultimately help others who are struggling in this area,” said Karasick via email when asked why it’s important to gather this sort of data, even if it is representative of a rather small group of individuals.
With the excitement of legalization and increased discussion around how cannabis can be used, it might seem like using it for sex is a new phenomenon, but history tells us that this is very much not the case. Cannabis has been used as an aphrodisiac of sorts for thousands of years.
In Ancient Egypt, not only was cannabis used as an aphrodisiac, it was also administered to women in labour to help with the pain of childbirth. In 7th century India, it was essential to tantric ceremonies and used to boost awareness among partners. The Vikings, too, indulged in cannabis during sex—particularly during sowing and harvest seasons, when erotic rituals were held in honour of Freya, the Norse goddess of love.
While topical products were legalized this past October, Canadians have yet to see products such as infused lubricants and lotions at their local retail cannabis store.
To learn more, continue reading Cannabis and sex survey results.