Strainprint Featured In The Green Market Report

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Strainprint Featured In The Green Market Report – Big Data Opens A New Path for Cannabis Patients
Strainprint is leading the way in the cannabis industry with its rich and robust medical patient data and sophisticated Business Intelligence solutions. With a vision to advance the scientific understanding of cannabis and its legitimization as a therapy and to have the largest longitudinal study of cannabis use in the world, Strainprint is using Patient Generated Health-Data (PGHD) to help health professionals, producers, researchers and educators understand and make informed decisions about patient treatment.
How it all began
Starting as an idea back in 2014, one of the founders, Stephanie Karasick, first came up with the concept after becoming a cannabis patient and learning first hand the complexity of navigating cannabis as a treatment option. Shocked at how different each strain she tried made her feel, she kept a detailed written diary. Although she was very diligent and deliberate in her tracking, she couldn’t help but wonder if there was a better way for patients to track their use of cannabis. She searched for online tools, but found very little to help inform her as a patient about dosing and strain efficacy. That was the genesis of the Strainprint App.
Why Is Strainprint Important?
For patients, the outcome-tracking Strainprint App is invaluable. It is designed to help them easily journal their cannabis medication sessions and over time learn which strains work best for the symptoms they are treating. They can also explore which strains are working for others that are treating similar symptoms/conditions and learn more about the ingredients and efficacy of those strains.