Infused Blueberry Mint Fruit Leather Recipe

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Infused Blueberry Mint Fruit Leather Recipe
By: Chef Jordan Wagman
dairy free I gluten free I sugar free
This fruit leather is the perfect snack while on the go or after a long day or simply because they taste so damn good!
(Wild) Blueberry Puree Mint Fruit Leather (makes about 15 portions)
What you’ll need:
• 3 cups (750 mL)(wild) blueberries (see tips)
• 3 tbsp (45 mL)maple syrup
• ½ tsp (2 mL)CBD oil
• ¼ tsp(1 mL)pure peppermint oil
- Pre-heat oven to 200 F.
- In a saucepan combine blueberries and maple syrup.
- Cover with a tight fitting lid and place over medium heat.
- Bring to a boil, turn heat to low and simmer until blueberry skins begin to split, about 5 minutes.
- Add peppermint and cannabis oil, transfer to a blender or using an emersion blender in the sauce pan,
puree until smooth. - Spread the blueberry mixture evenly onto a parchment paper lined baking sheet and transfer to the pre-
heated oven. - Bake until mixture is firm to the touch and separating from the parchment paper (see tips), about 2-3
hours. - Remove from oven and cool to the touch.
- Remove parchment paper from the baking sheet and cool completely, about one hour.
- Using a sharp knife or kitchen shears, cut the fruit tube into 15 equal portions.
- Serve immediately or store the fruit leather at room temperature in an air-tight container.
Chef Jordan’s Tips:
• When in season, wild blueberries are perfect for this dish.
• Try adding orange, lemon or lime oil in place of peppermint oil for an amazing Spring or Summer
Chef Jordan Wagman is a James Beard nominated Chef and author of five cookbooks including ‘750 Best
Appetizers’, ‘Easy Gourmet Baby Food’, ‘The Best Baby Food’ and ‘150 Best Dips and Salsas’.
Photography by Andrew Hiorth