Cannabis and Insomnia Survey Results

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Cannabis and Insomnia Survey Results
We recently sent out a survey on Cannabis and Insomnia to our Strainprint App users, asking if they use cannabis to get to sleep easier, or stay asleep longer. We received over 1250 responses to the survey that we’ve summarized below, to give you a better understanding of how people are using cannabis to help them sleep!
The benefits of cannabis with insomnia extend beyond simply falling or staying asleep (although 42% of users surveyed did say that cannabis helped them sleep longer), 82% said that it helped to relax their body, and 84% said it helped to relax their mind before bed, which is crucial in allowing your body to fall asleep. 37% of users said that cannabis even helped them experience an uninterrupted night’s sleep.
Without using any sleep aid, including cannabis, 51% participants reported that on average they get between 3-6 hours of sleep per night- however, 68% reported that when they did medicate before bed, they were able to stay asleep for 6-8 hours per night.
The type of strains and cannabinoids that people selected before sleeping varied- 62% chose strains high in THC, with 22% preferring balanced strains, and only 5% selected strains that were CBD dominant. While looking at cannabinoids and terpenes, results were split down the middle, with 52% saying that they do take cannabinoids found within strains into account when selecting a product to help them sleep. 50% of users said that Myrcene helped them with their sleep issues, while 27% preferred Linalool.